MacEwan Medical Clinic

These resources are public organizations and suggested resources only. MacEwan Medical Clinic does not endorse any specific organization and is not affiliated with any of these resources/sites. These links are intended for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please speak to your pediatrician for further assistance.
General Health
•Canadian Pediatric Society’s “Caring for Kids”
•American Academy of Pediatric’s “Healthy Children”
•Alberta Health Services’ “Healthy Parents, Healthy Children”
•Canadian Physical Activity Recommendations
•Alberta Immunization Locations
Local Resources
• Alberta Health Services “Birth and Babies”
•Family Support for Children with Disabilities
•Calgary and Area Child and Family Services
•City of Calgary Community & Neighborhood Services
•Family and Community Resources Centre (FCRC) “Information Prescriptions”
•FCRC- Community Education Services
Important contact information for the parents.
- Alberta Children's Hospital, Preschool Speech Therapy, Self Referral Tel: 403-955-1300
- CBE - Early Development center E-mail: earlydevelopmentcentres@cbe.ab.ca
- Calgary Counselling Center, Self Referral Service Intake line 403-691-5991
- Heartland Agency, 1625 18th Street, NE, Calgary, AB Tel: 403-541-0277
- East side Family Center, 225 - 495 36th Street, NE Tel: 403-299-9696 provide free walk-in counselling
- Healthy Parents, Healthy Children website https://healthyparentshealthychildren.ca/ Topic: 2-6 months: Everyday care & injury prevention
- MyHealth.Alberta.ca website https://myhealth.alberta.ca/
- Positional Plagiocephaly (topic Overview) https://myhealth.alberta.ca/health/pages/conditions.aspx?hwld=abo1675
- Positional Plagiocephaly (What if my baby already has a flat area): https://myhealth.alberta.ca/health/pages/conditions.aspx?Hwid=abo1675
- Pathways 5 Essential Tummy Time Moves https://pathways.org/watch/five-essential-tummy-time-moves-how-to-do-tummy-time/
Additional useful links that are more specific to a certain medical condition may be listed within the individual handouts.